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Posted Tue, 15 Feb 2022 13:25:56 GMT by Maria Romana Alvi Politecnico di Torino PhD student
I am trying to generate my supermesh from GIS shapefile, but FEFLOW is always warning me, giving the message 'Invalid Cursor Error'.
I have already tried to upload the FEFLOW 7.2 version and it did. But still, it is not working.
I admit it is a very complex geometry (it is attached below).
Posted Mon, 14 Mar 2022 13:22:08 GMT by Jintao Liu
Hi, please make sure you only have polygons that do not overlap each other before generating the mesh. Many of your polygons are located entirely within another polygon (looks like an enclave).
My suggestion is that you must check and modify the Shapefile in ArcGIS/QGIS, so that there is no overlap before automatically converting to FEFLOW supermesh.
By the way, simplifying the shapefile is sometimes necessary.
Posted Fri, 18 Mar 2022 16:13:39 GMT by Maria Romana Alvi Politecnico di Torino PhD student
Thank you very much.
I was able to generate the supermesh after simplifying my shapefile e solved the incongruities.
Also, I have added, created and splitted some polygons directly in the FEFLOW software.

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