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Posted Wed, 20 Nov 2013 19:35:33 GMT by zhengq

For a transient modeling, can I make the seepage face transient (i.e., it is active for some time, but "switched off" for other time)?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Posted Thu, 21 Nov 2013 06:36:57 GMT by Blair Thornburrow Groundwater Modeller
If you want the CONSTRAINT to be variably active, you can define the maximum (in) flow constraint value as a time series (0 m3/d when seepage face active, 100000 m3/d [for example] otherwise)

If you want the BC to be variably active, but always a seepage face when it is active, you can add a minimum (out) flow constraint and set at -100000 m3/d when active and 0 m3/d when inactive.  Hence, at times when you want no BC activity, it will have a maximum and minimum flow constraint of 0 m3/d.  At other times it will have a maximum flow constraint of 0 m3/d (no inflow) and minimum flow constraint of -100000 m3/d (unrestricted outflow).

Tip: select a very large constraint value when constraint inactive - otherwise the BC can behave in an undesirable manner due to a bug

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