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Posted Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:43:44 GMT by Brittany Huhmann
I'd like to run the same very basic steady-state simulation (which takes maybe a few seconds to run) twenty times, incrementing the hydraulic head boundary conditions each time, and exporting the hydraulic head values from a subset of points in the model domain at the end of each simulation run. I could do this by hand, but it would be even nicer if I could write a short script to do this.

Other programs I've worked with (like Igor) have a command line interface built-in, so that I can write scripts to do repetitive tasks. Is there such an option for FEFLOW? What is the best way to run multiple short simulations that differ just slightly from each other in their initial conditions?

Posted Thu, 26 Jun 2014 14:51:59 GMT by adacovsk
You can do this through the IFM Manager by first installing MS Visual Studio then installing FEFLOW SDK.

I'm not certain what the exact commands would be to restart the model (which you might need the command line for), but you can modify your hydraulic head boundary conditions pre/post-simulation and you can export head values programatically via the filestream.

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Posted Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:12:46 GMT by Brittany Huhmann
Thank you, Adam! I will give that a try.
Posted Wed, 02 Jul 2014 10:26:24 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Two more alternatives (in case analysis should be done varying material properties):

1) Use FePEST in the command line mode to setup a SENSAN (Sensitivity Analysis) run using PEST. Here you can define the parameter to be modified and distribute the output results in different files. It may require some time until to get into the workflow, but then it is worthy since you can have additional feedbackfrom PEST, which may help you to understand the sensitivity analysis.

2) Download the old FEFLOW-specific groundwater utilities for PEST. There is a nice routine named FMAINFEM to assign automatically material values to a FEM file directly in the windows command line. This was used in the past to run PEST with FEFLOW, now with the FePEST interface is not required anymore. Link is
Posted Wed, 02 Jul 2014 16:35:12 GMT by Brittany Huhmann
Thank you for the additional information, Carlos!

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