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Posted Fri, 18 Oct 2013 20:46:40 GMT by zhengq
For a 3-D model, I plan to place 10 pumping wells.
I selected join edge at 11 locations.
Then I activated "multilayer well" on "Data Panel", double clicked on the "multilayer well" in the Editor toolbar, and I got the Multilayer Well editor.
I clicked the button on the Multilayer Well editor 11 times to choose which well I would like to work on.
For each well, I entered the pumping rate, top and bottom elevation, etc. , and clicked on "assign".
Finally I found that all 11 wells have the data I entered for the last well.

What happened? I appreciate your help.

Posted Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:28:08 GMT by adacovsk
It does not update the GUI based on the highlighted information (which I believe it should). You can read the ASCII .fem file in notepad under MULTILAYERWELL to check to see if anything has been assigned, but it takes some guesswork to figure out what's what and this method for checking if it has been assigned properly isn't supported.

However, with that said, since the last time I checked, the specific storage (compressibility) within the well radius does not appear to set properly.
Posted Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:38:39 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
The editor will always work on ALL selected locations. If you would like to edit a single multi-layer well only, make sure you select only the corresponding edges.

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