Posted Wed, 03 Feb 2021 20:15:56 GMT by Spencer Whitman Grad Student
Does anyone on this group have experience with using coupled FEFLOW-MIKE 21?

If so, have you used MIKE SHE?

I currently use MIKE SHE for distributed watershed modeling and am wondering what the best use case scenarios are for each?  Pros/cons for each?

Many thanks!
Posted Tue, 09 Feb 2021 10:24:01 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Hi swhit

The answer really depends on the application case. In the case of M21 - FEFLOW coupling, you provide a framework for fully-hydrodynamical coupling. MIKE 21 FM is responsible to solve the 2D hydraulic and send this feedback to FEFLOW. A typical application would be the assessment of flooding events and their interaction with groundwater. Coupling supports mass and heat transport also.
In the case of MSHE - FEFLOW, MSHE looks the problem at the catchment hydrology and supports information not available in FEFLOW, e.g. role of land-use and vegetation in the net recharge estimation, etc. A common application is to estimate groundwater recharge through MSHE and this includes all hydrological cycle. Subsequently such information can be used in a detailed groundwater model in FEFLOW.
We have applied several coupling mechanisms in multiple projects. Let me know if you need more details.

Carlos Rivera

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