Posted Mon, 27 Sep 2010 13:51:18 GMT by Maurizio Vaccaro Egr. dott.
I would like to know how to design and set (for buying) a cluster to use feflow and other software for groundwater modeling.
I think I will have to treat 3D problems (10 km x 10 km x 4 km, for example) in transient conditions too.
How do you think I have to project the memory capacity?
Can I use a cluster with a single-seat Feflow licence? Or do I have to buy a new one?
Thank you very much for answering

Posted Mon, 27 Sep 2010 13:55:55 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
first of all, we have to say that using FEFLOW in a cluster environment always refers to doing several simulations in parallel (e.g., for scenario analysis or inverse modeling). FEFLOW does not run a single simulation on multiple machines (only shared-memory parallelization so far).
On the licensing side, currently each single machine running FEFLOW needs a separate license. For running parallelized simulations, please contact us directly for licensing options as you will probably not be able to buy a license for each machine.

Posted Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:09:23 GMT by Maurizio Vaccaro Egr. dott.
thank you for your answer and for clarifying thi sissue.
I need to plan some numerical simulation of geothermal reservoir with the tutor of my PhD project.
Posted Fri, 14 Feb 2014 15:21:57 GMT by Steven Humphrey
Can Feflow 6.2 (corporate license structure) run on a cluster now?

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