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Posted Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:36:58 GMT by Imran Ali PhD Student

I am using Feflow 6.2. I have some raster data such an Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in my ArcMap. I wanted to import this DEM to Feflow but not sure how can I convert it to a DAT file or some other format that is workable in Feflow?

Any help in this regard will highly be appreciated.

Best regards. Imran
Posted Thu, 26 Jun 2014 15:10:55 GMT by adacovsk
To my knowledge, FEFLOW doesn't know how to deal with raster data, so it might be handy to parse it into spreadsheet software and manipulate it in such a way to have X, Y, ELEV, which shouludn't be too hard considering the data falls on a uniform grid. This way you can import it as a .trp file. Creating your own .dat files for FEFLOW is a bit harder...

Posted Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:30:51 GMT by Jarrah Muller Civil Engineer
I would usually not import the DEM to FEFLOW, but keep the data in Arc.

Once you have your FEFLOW mesh, export the nodes to a point shapefile, and use Arc's "Extract raster to points" (Spatial Analysis > Extraction) toolbox function to assign elevations from your DEM to the points. Then import the point file back to FEFLOW (use ninverse distance interpolation using the nearest 1 node) to assign the elevations to the appropriate slice.

This method is usually faster than manipulating large masses of DEM data within FEFLOW.
Posted Sat, 22 Aug 2015 06:45:58 GMT by didga82
Hi there. Where about's can you 'export nodes to points' in Feflow?
Posted Mon, 24 Aug 2015 06:50:44 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Just export any nodal property (e.g., hydraulic head) with a right-click on the parameter in the data panel.

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