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  • Getting too high Hydraulic head values in 3D groundwater flow modelling


    I am trying to develop a 3D groundwater flow model. Maximum elevation is 36 m and minimum is 0 for my domain area. I am setting a hydraulic head boundary condition of "Elevation -1/4.Elevation" on highly located hills. When I run the model, I get very high values of Hydraulic head (max. 2986 m). Does anyone know why do I get so high values? My area has three geological layers. Bottom layer is bedrock (Kxx and kyy=10 raise power minus 12), middle and top layers have a combination of sand, clay and bedrock (kxx and kyy ranging from 10-7 to 10-12).  Any help in this regard is highly appreciated in advance. Best regads Imran
  • How to Prepare raster data for Feflow


    I am using Feflow 6.2. I have some raster data such an Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in my ArcMap. I wanted to import this DEM to Feflow but not sure how can I convert it to a DAT file or some other format that is workable in Feflow?

    Any help in this regard will highly be appreciated.

    Best regards. Imran