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Posted Wed, 02 Jun 2010 02:48:40 GMT by alwathaf
this message for Mr. peter 
in the simulation of model in transient state, I had two problems:
abstraction of water vs times is ok i make time  function ID for each well.
but the problem now How I work time function for recharge because i have basin Consists of 22 sub-basin. and in T-list enter periods of time only, i want enter periods of time with Value of recharge  how?
Because frankly, the example  is located in the users_manual are not clear enough
please help me
and thank you

yahia alwathaf
Posted Wed, 02 Jun 2010 06:13:51 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
There are three reasonable options:
1. You prepare a shape file (*.shp) with the polygons and a column with recharge for each period. Then choose Join - Polygons - Load the file. In the header of the right box in the upcoming dialog ('Parameter Association'), switch to 'time levels', enter your time stages after clicking on the 'Time levels' button, and link the columns from the shape file to the time levels.
2. You prepare a time series (powerfunction) for each polygon and a polygon file (e.g., shape file) with all the zones. In the polygon file, add a column with the corresponding number of the powerfunction. You can then import the data via Join - Polygons - Load the file. Link to the recharge parameter and choose 'Powerfunction ID'. The blue link indicates that you import time-series IDs.
3. Prepare a distribution for one of the time stages as time-constant recharge, then go to T-List and import that distribution for a certain time stage. Repeat the process until you have all the time stages.

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