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Posted Fri, 19 Feb 2021 18:58:45 GMT by emilia novo
I want to edit the conductivity in an area where the specific storage is =0.01. So I selcet that area - with specific storage acvtivated - and store it in the panel Selections. Then I activate the conductivity, click in the selection stored in panel Selection and do the edition.

In the end I get the area edited with the values I wish foir conductivity BUT FEFLOW also used that selection to change all values and spatial disptributions of all model properties. Meaning that if I had 4 values for specific storage along the model I now have only 2 areas with values 0 and 1. The same goes for the other properties.

How can I edit the conductivity using this selection WITHOUT changing the other properties?
Posted Wed, 24 Feb 2021 09:47:21 GMT by Jintao Liu
Hi Emilia,
sorry, I did not catch that. In FEFLOW, the assignment of different parameters is done separately and will not affect each other. Unless you used the multi-assign(s. attached), then you could use one element selection but assign many parameters at the same time.
Posted Mon, 01 Mar 2021 13:42:39 GMT by emilia novo
No, I didn't use multiple assignment and the error is consistent in the way that if I do the procedure one day and the error occurs. If do Undo eand the following day I do the same procedure, the problem still remains.

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