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Posted Thu, 05 Mar 2020 21:53:35 GMT by Damien Marion
Hello, I am beginner on Feflow!

I use it to model freshwater-salt water interactions on an island aquifer.
In addition, I add to this the modeling of water rise at a regular interval (-2 meters every 25 years). For this I create a single discretized model with concentric lines spaced 2m apart. I would then change the boundary conditions at the lines as I go along.

The problem is when generating the mesh, Feflow crashes every time.

Has anyone ever had this kind of problem before? Or is my handling bad?

Many thanks  :)
Posted Fri, 06 Mar 2020 07:36:57 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
I'd recommend to try Triangle as the next step. While Gridbuilder produces more regular meshes, it is also more prone to crashes during mesh generation, especially in case of line add-ins (see help also).
Posted Tue, 17 Mar 2020 16:57:01 GMT by Damien Marion
Hello Peter, thanks for your answer! It helped me, and now works.

I have maybe a few new questions. I am trying to save the nodes I selected in the slice view to apply new properties or modify them a posteriori. I use the option Store Current Selection (Capture_4) but I have no idea where they are stored?

I need to apply a Density Ratio to simulate the contrast between salt and fresh water. But should it be applied on nodes, faces, slice faces or join faces? How does Feflow manages the positioning of these variables?

Thanks a lot, kind regards in this particular epidemic time.
Posted Wed, 18 Mar 2020 06:11:38 GMT by Peter Schätzl Grundwassermodellierer
The selection is stored in a panel 'Selections' that you are not displaying in your example. You have to open this panel.
Density ratio is an elemental property, but typically will be spatially constant all over the model.

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