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Posted Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:43:31 GMT by Tim

I am sure this is easy, but just can't find the right button.

I have loaded X,Y,Z data in the form of an ASCII map - which defines 6 x well locations.
I have linked the Z attribute with elevation in the maps menu.
I have added this layer to the active view.

The locations import into Feflow with the symbols/icons being small brown crosses (refer attachment).

[b]How can I edit the properties (e.g. symbol type, symbol size, colour, line size etc)?[/b]

I'd like to create some screen captures of model results, showing these well locations on top of a set of hydraulic head contours.

I can't find this in the properties tab, and right clicking and 'edit properties' from the 'view components' tab does not bring up any useful options for editing these points (at least as far as I can tell).


Posted Wed, 25 Jul 2012 17:54:34 GMT by
right click on "default" just under the map name in map panel and select "properties"
Posted Thu, 26 Jul 2012 01:13:27 GMT by Tim
tried that, nothing comes up if I do that
Posted Thu, 26 Jul 2012 01:15:31 GMT by Tim
should this activate the 'map properties' panel?
I cant see the map properties panel anywhere on the screen.
Posted Thu, 26 Jul 2012 09:40:33 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
for some - so far unexplained - reason the Map Properties panel sometimes comes up outside the screen coordinates. Please pick your entire FEFLOW window and move it around - typically by doing this the missing panel will be moved into the screen and you can move it manually to a location within the main FEFLOW window.

Best regards,

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