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Posted Wed, 02 Dec 2015 21:06:46 GMT by Michael Verreault, ing., M.Sc.A. hydrogeologue - Président
Just get Feflow 7. I am trying to mesh a 3D geometry (mesh) initially built on Surpac (similar to leapfrog). The transfert format is DXF or 3DS. I can open both in Feflow, but can't generate the mesh.

Then I tried a very simple mesh, a kind of a sphere that I built in 1 minute in 3DS MAX, then exported the mesh in 3DS format, then opened it in Feflow 7, using the fully unstructured mesh option. The sphere appears, but here again, no way to mesh it.

I guess I am doing something wrong as the mesh files are quite simple, if I compare it to some DHI presentation of Feflow 7.

Any help would be welcome, as I have a lot of expectation from this version of feflow.

Tks, Michael
Posted Mon, 14 Dec 2015 08:53:23 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
the most crucial condition for mesh generation for unstructured geometries is that there are no overlaps or intersections of any elements in the DXF or 3DS file. We don't have much exerperience with Surpac yet, but such overlaps or intersections are very common in output of other geological modelling software (as for visualization clean geometry is not a condition). This, however, should not be the case for the 3D Studio Max output of a simple sphere. Could you send me the 3ds file of the sphere  ( I'ld like to check it myself. I've run a large number of tests with simple geometries created in SketchUp and Blender (to test their intersection capabilities), and simple geometry 3ds output worked fine for meshing in FEFLOW.

Best regards,

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