I am proposing to simulate a 2D heterogenous column, height: 0.75 m and width: 0.01m
1. My CI: 147.25 m
2. (a)I put a powerfunction of hydraulic head varying from 149.6 to 149.3 m at the top of the column
(b)--when I put psi=0 at the bottom in order to represent the water table , the simulation doesn't run, it is blocked at the third step of time!!!

--If I remove this condition, I don't have negative pressure and Feflow don't take into account my unsaturated column :'(
Can you please say what's the problem and what I should do to run this simulation with real conditions .

Rq: I have seen the cases of gardner and van genuchten in the help!!!

Thank you very much for any help!