Posted Tue, 09 Feb 2010 11:16:49 GMT by alwathaf
this message for Mr.  Peter,
thank you very much for help
i have littel qusetion, i Terminated of simulation of model in steady state.
how do calibration of model. is ues conductivity or use recharge or abstraction or...............
in your laste help you tel me view the example about PEST, i wach it but how activity PEST
in example of PEST  after click on button NEW it demand load polygon
but the problem with extenstion of polygon (ply.) how creat polygon under form (ply.)

thank you very much

Posted Tue, 09 Feb 2010 11:55:50 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
in the bin32 folder in the FEFLOW installation you find command line tools for conversion of shape files to ply (shptoasc.exe) or dxf to ply (dxftoasc.exe). Ply files are ASCII files and can also be written manually. Please see the FEFLOW help system for a description of the format. The command line tools are described in tools.pdf that can be found on the FEFLOW installation disc.
Posted Tue, 09 Feb 2010 12:52:18 GMT by alwathaf
thanks Mr. peter,
i view file : programm file\WASY\FEFLOW\bin32, and found file shptoasc
but this file not active,When open it shows a black screen
please send for me this file on my email
Posted Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:29:34 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
This is a command-line program that has to be run from a command window. If you just double-click, it will show only a black window that is immediately closed again.

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