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Posted Fri, 24 Jul 2009 07:57:16 GMT by bea
Hi there...
Does anyone know how to export material properties, elevation and computed head along a segment previously imported in the model via ArcGIS (shp file)?
I want to make a plot with elevation versus computed head along a cross section.
I am using the export window but even if I import line as segment, when I try to save .dat or other format, FEFLOW saves the whole slice and NOT ONLY values along my segment.
There must be a method to export those values because FEFLOW does plot data along a segment correctly in 1D or 2D on the screen :-\.
Any input most welcome

Posted Fri, 24 Jul 2009 09:12:54 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
There's a trick to do so: From the dac file, you can export the cross section as a new (2-dimensional) dac file by choosing the 'dac' option instead of '2D' or '2D+'. Then you can do all the exports from the new 2D dac file.

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