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  • segment export (elevation, material and computed head)

    Hi there...
    Does anyone know how to export material properties, elevation and computed head along a segment previously imported in the model via ArcGIS (shp file)?
    I want to make a plot with elevation versus computed head along a cross section.
    I am using the export window but even if I import line as segment, when I try to save .dat or other format, FEFLOW saves the whole slice and NOT ONLY values along my segment.
    There must be a method to export those values because FEFLOW does plot data along a segment correctly in 1D or 2D on the screen :-\.
    Any input most welcome

  • Re: 3D observation points

    Thank for that, Peter and sorry for posting my question in the wrong forum. ;(

  • Re: 3D observation points

    actually I managed to upload the trp file but it does not show borehole names.
    Is there any way to show them?
  • 3D observation points

    Hi there,
    I am trying to import trp file using 3D observation points module but nothing appears, neither in the IFM Observation Point window nor in the Reference data window. And when it does that they have a position completely wrong (and I am sure the coordinates in the file are okay!)
    Is there any way to import many observation points (name, x,y, z) and locate them at a specific depth?
    I want the observation points to be at a certain depth (z) and not necessarily on slices. Can I keep borehole names without having to assign it manually later on?

    Does anyone have an idea how to do that?