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Posted Tue, 05 Jun 2007 14:05:26 GMT by Marcelo Sousa Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
I am having problems to import a GMS .2dm file to FEFLOW. I keep getting the following error messages: “Execution of bash failed / (Invalid argument)” or “Execution of bash failed / (No such file or directory)”. I have installed the latest version of Cygwin but it didn't make any difference.

Does anyone have any ideas about what is the problem or how to fix this?


Posted Tue, 05 Jun 2007 16:59:23 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
The reason for the error is that the FEFLOW import filter cannot execute bash.exe, which is needed for running this awk script filter.
I would recommend the following solution: Add the path of the Cygwin installation to the PATH environment variable of Windows. The path of the Cygwin binaries is usually something like C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin.

Alternatively you could change the content of the *.flt file of the 2dm input filter in the 'filter' directory of the FEFLOW installation, replacing 'bash.exe' by the full path of the bash.exe executable in the bin directory of the Cygwin installation.

Hope that helps!
Posted Tue, 05 Jun 2007 18:15:14 GMT by Marcelo Sousa Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
It worked fine! Thanks a lot, Peter!

Posted Wed, 24 Mar 2010 11:16:34 GMT by Christian Tomsu Germany
If I try to import a 2dm - file, I get the error:

Execution of "bash" failed (No Error)

I proved already the path of the bash.exe and it is correct.

Any help  :-\ ?? Thanks.

Posted Thu, 25 Mar 2010 17:25:45 GMT by Christian Tomsu Germany
I think I found the solution in the awk  - File.

My PC can't interpret the HOME and FILE - Parameter in the awk - File.
So if I use a DOS - Workaround, the Filter works fine and reliable.

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