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Posted Thu, 11 Feb 2010 18:53:05 GMT by Sana
Hello ,
As showed in the picture attached, can you explain how Feflow will take into account the slice partition, which principles  for that?How can I put different distances between the slices?Will Feflow calculate it as the approach in black color  or that in red color???
Thank you for help.
Any documentation?
Posted Fri, 12 Feb 2010 07:15:35 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
There are actually two options that also can be combined: In the 'Reconfigure 3D task' dialog you can set slices at fixed elevations, or with a fixed difference. Initially this can be seen as the red lines in your drawing. Later on, the dialog can also be used to add additional slices, for example for adding one of the black lines between two existing ones. If the 'decrement' in the dialog for a slice that is set to 'plane' (the other ones on fixed) is larger than half the total distance between the upper and lower slices, the 'plane' slice is put exactly in the middle between the two. The second option for slice elevations is the nodal elevations parameter where elevations can be set by nodal input or interpolation.
Posted Mon, 15 Feb 2010 09:15:42 GMT by Sana
Thank you Dr Peter for the explanations.
In fact I have I problem in my model, I may enter the z elevations from database for 5 slices , but when I verify I find other values and in 3D layer configurator the z min go until - 400 m . I tried to vary elevation and decrement , but always the same problem!!!!can you please help me!!!!
Thank you.

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