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Posted Wed, 12 Mar 2008 15:35:42 GMT by gnapser

I know there is a post already how to use batch mode. But I don't really get through this thing. Can someone explain me how I run a simulation in batch mode please? How to write a batch file and how to use it?

Thanks a lot!
Posted Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:14:16 GMT by Christopherus Braun

check the FEFLOW Help Menu (Info --> Help --> Batch Mode) you will find a description and an example.
Posted Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:17:57 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
I agree with Zebra,

this is pretty well documented in the online help. Take a close look at that.

Make sure you got your folders set up properly: you need a sub-folder "femdata" and "results" within the folder with the batch file.[font=Courier]
       |- femdata (with your FEM files)
       |- results (for your dar/dac files)[/font]

This is what a line in my batch files typically looks like:[font=Courier]
feflow -run             -work "C:\FeFlowBatchFolder"  -log "feflow.log"  -dar "model.dar"  "model.fem"
feflow -run -hide -exit -work "C:\FeFlowBatchFolder"  -log "feflow.err"  -dac "model.dac"  "model.fem"[/font]

For details on the different options, type "FeFlow -help" in a DOS window and you'll get a summary of all the options.

For this to work, the FeFlow folder has to be included in your PATH variable (which I think is the case by default).

Any folder or files names containing white-spaces (blanks) need to be enclosed in quotes! I do that for any file and folder name, so I don't forget by accident.

Good luck! Chris
Posted Thu, 01 May 2008 19:27:06 GMT by gnapser

I've solved the problem with your detailed help!

Posted Thu, 11 Jun 2009 12:22:48 GMT by Manish Chopra Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
hi gnapser....

i still didn't get how to run feflow in batch mode. As u have said that u were able to run,please explain it in a bit detail so that i can also get it......

Posted Thu, 23 Jul 2009 08:20:45 GMT by daryy
Thank you for the hard work , I have recorded the note in my computer!

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