Posted Wed, 20 Apr 2016 13:43:01 GMT by JEROME PERICAT

I try to have a systematical approach on the different simulations I made.
I wonder if it is possible to extract from hydraulic head scatter points chart a table with the different values (X,T,Z; reference value; simulated value; name of point "caption").
Thank you for your help

Best regards
Posted Mon, 02 May 2016 11:22:53 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala

I think it can be done with an IFM plug-in. The ID/labels for observation points are known before the simulation and can be stored in a TXT file. Then, the TXT file can be read by the plug-in, and store the list on a C++ vector. Then, use this IFM command to get the head value at the desired observation points:

Finally, export the output to a TXT file and merge later with X,Y,Z, reference head values. 

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