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Posted Wed, 01 Jan 2014 21:28:53 GMT by kiko
Hallo,I need to import initial heads from steady state model to transient model.since the transient model is not stable,I need to import heads from steady state model before simulation. I used one of commercial modflow software to import  initial heads from steady state model and I shifted to Feflow. I do not know how to do it using Feflow. please help me.Thanks....................................
Posted Fri, 03 Jan 2014 09:00:11 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
In FEFLOW 6.2, there is not need to import heads from a steady-state solution to a transient model. This is done automatically when you save steady state model (after computation ends) in a new fem file. New fem file will have final results from previous run as initial conditions for next run. In three steps: [b]a)[/b] run steady-state model, [b]b)[/b] save model in a new fem file, and [b]c)[/b] advance new model to transient simulation (Problem Settings).

In case you have a transient model and you run simulation twice, now FEFLOW will ask you to modify the time-stepping control parameters (initial time and final time). Also a message will pop up stating that "[i]The simulation will be continued starting at the current simulation time[/i]".


Posted Fri, 03 Jan 2014 17:03:29 GMT by adacovsk
A workaround in case you've modified your transient file such that reverting to your steady state file would be too much effort, you can instead copy your initial heads from a steady state ASCII file by opening it in a word processor, like Notepad, find the "INIT_I_FLOW" block, copy that block from the steady-state file and replace it in the transient ASCII file. This method assumes that all your nodes are the same as in the transient file.

Another workaround in the case you have another model, where your transient file is the subdomain, you can export the heads from your steady-state through the interface. Save all the nodes as a *.dat file, then import that file into your transient model, link the parameter to hydraulic heads, then interpolate those values over your transient file domain.

Posted Fri, 03 Jan 2014 19:39:20 GMT by kiko
Thanks a lot Carlos and Adam

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