Posted Fri, 25 Sep 2009 14:37:16 GMT by Christian Tomsu Germany
Dear Peter,

we have to define in FeFlow the dimensionsless storativity S [-] which is defined as the depth integrated specific storativity SS, which has usually the unit [1/m].

What was the asumption not to define the specific storativity SS to the groundwater model ?

My question is therefore:
What must we assign to the Storativity:

The specific storativity multiplicated with the total depth of the groundwater body S = SS * M or

the specific storativity multiplicated SS with the depth of each layer representing the aquifer, because we assign the storativity for each model layer ?

Best regards Tubaheni
Posted Thu, 15 Oct 2009 11:48:18 GMT by cassius
In my experience with FEFLOW, I always used S as the specific storativity multiplicated with the TOTAL depth of the aquifer, and not the SINGLE layer depth.
Posted Thu, 15 Oct 2009 13:50:44 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
The dimensionless value for 'Storativity' refers to specific yield. Storage compressibility in the unit 1/m defines the storage per meter head change. Both are not related to the aquifer or layer thickness.

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