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Posted Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:28:51 GMT by zhengq
The following paragraphs are extrated from FEFLOW help file.
Could anyone explain what it means? When I applied multilayer wells to the model, I got this error information. I chose "repair", but it seemed that it did not work. I got some unreasonably high pump rate for wells.
[i][b]Conflicting boundary conditions and multilayer wells/borehole heat exchangers

Two repair modes are available:

Keep Boundary Conditions / Multilayer Wells / Borehole Heat Exchangers
Assign Multilayer Wells / Boundary Conditions / Borehole Heat Exchangers
[/b] [/i]
Posted Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:35:48 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
The error states that you are trying to set a multi-layer well (or BHE) at locations where already boundary conditions / other multilayer wells / (or BHEs) exist. Your choice is to either keep the existing conditions or overwrite with the new ones.

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