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Posted Thu, 29 Jan 2015 10:13:08 GMT by Tanya

I want to know S_COD and X_COD in the middel of my model. But by adding a sensor, I can only receive data for the smaller fractions (like S_I, X_H, X_I etc.). I can receive this kind of information (S_COD and X_COD ) from a waste-block or out-block, but not in the middel of my model.

Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks a lot!
Posted Thu, 29 Jan 2015 12:41:39 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
You are right, Tanya: these specific two quantities are [b]not[/b] made available in the [b]multi-probe sensor[/b] in WEST.
What you could do is to modify the standard multi-probe model by adding those quantities - all the necessary elements are in fact available already in the model.
Ideally, make a separate (derived) model and keep the original one.
Posted Thu, 29 Jan 2015 13:13:30 GMT by Tanya
Thanks for your answer Enrico!

How do I "...modify the standard multi-probe model by adding those quantities..."?

Thank you!
Posted Thu, 29 Jan 2015 14:41:59 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
You need to create a new CLASS (e.g. MultiSensor_New) which EXTENDS MultiSensor ... have a look at how the standard MultiSensor class is written.
The body of your new class should have the following elements.

interface <-
OBJ y_SCOD ... fill in the relevant details here
OBJ y_XCOD ... same as above
This will add 2 "probes" (i.e. output interface vars) to your model.

equations <-
#if (defined ASM1Temp)
interface.y_SCOD =  IF (state.Q_In == 0) THEN 0
    ELSE (interface.Outflow[S_I] + interface.Outflow[S_S]) / state.Q_In ;
interface.y_XCOD =  IF (state.Q_In == 0) THEN 0
    ELSE (interface.Outflow[X_BH] + interface.Outflow[X_I] + .Outflow[X_P] + interface.Outflow[X_S] + interface.Outflow[X_BA]) / state.Q_In ;

#if (defined ASM2dModTemp)
interface.y_SCOD =  .. write equation here ..
interface.y_XCOD =  .. write equation here ..

//ideally implement the 2 sensors for every category in the standard library
This implements the sensors

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