• Re: Problem FEFLOW: Hydraulic head

    Hello Blair, thank you for your interest and for your help.

    You got that right, to isolate my system I added three no-flow bc on 3/4 of the structure.

    The fourth side corresponds to a small river (so it may be a condition of the third kind) of which we have a few annual values; also from the analysis the river is disconnected from the underlying aquifer fed only by precipitation.

    For this reason it was decided not to include a condition of the third kind on this side but leave the program to free simulate a water table.

    I wanted to ask if this reasoning was totally wrong (considering that the river does not drain the aquifer and is not drained by the same)?


  • Re: Problem FEFLOW: Hydraulic head

    Hello thank you for the suggestions, both in the saturated and unsaturated simulations I have not not acceptable solution, with values of hydraulic head in the unsaturated simultaion considerably high.

    I do not think that the recharge is too high: I tried to remove it but the values are still too high or meaningless.


  • Re: Problem FEFLOW: Hydraulic head

    Hello first of all thank you for your reply.

    Yes, I realize that this approach is quite complicated but in my case I have a partially saturated aquifer or otherwise variable.

    I tried to run a simulation with the first option (standard groundwater-flow equation) of Feflow considering:

    - unconfined aquifer;
    - phreatic surface
    - constrained for head

    In this case, the result shows a complete saturation of the structure that is not the reality.

    For this reason I was thinking of switching to a simulation with variable satured media.


  • Problem FEFLOW: Hydraulic head

    Good evening, I am a new member of the forum.

    I'm getting close to little use of FEFLOW software. In particular, I ran a simulation of a [b]unsatured or variably satured media (Richards' equation)[/b] by constructing a mesh composed of two layers.

    After entering boundary conditions (no flow limits on three sides of the structure) and recharge (annual applied to the first slice) I tried a simulation.

    From the results I get a value of the hydraulic head significantly elevated even higher than the topography of reference!

    I wanted to know if anyone had any idea of what could be a possible cause of the problem, in particular, may be linked to a wrong value of the reference system?

