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  • Pumping stations in MIKE 11

    Hi all,
    I am working on a MIKE 11 drainage network, which has 2 pumping stations operating with different water levels throughout the year. The water levels where the pumps should be ON and OFF change in April and October of each year. I know that by using the simple pump option from MIKE 11 you cannot define different water levels for pumps through the simulation period. Therefore I am trying to implement these 2 pumps under control structures, as side structures and gate type as discharge. Until now I have tried different calculation modes but no-one is giving results same (close to) as when the pump is operating as a normal pump structure (for the water levels until April), please check the attached time series of respective discharges. When the pump is implemented as a control structure (say tabulated or tabulated 2D) the most weird result that I find it difficult to interpret are the negative discharges, also in this case the water levels are not kept around the water levels where the pump should be ON and OFF.
    So to make it a bit more clear, what I want to implement is simply a pumping station with:
    -fixed discharge (throughout the year/simulation)
    -different water level operations ON/OFF (throughout the year), please check the water levels in the attached time series (WL time series)
    -a fixed duration of pump operation
    I really hope someone could contribute and help on this. It seems an easy task but challenging to find the right option under the control structure, I am a bit disappointed that this is not implemented under pumps option.
    Thanks for your time reading this and all the best,