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  • RE: Where is Litpack

    I don't have a license. I am using the Demo version to check the capabilities of the model. 
  • Where is Litpack

    I am using DHI Mike Zero 2014 for almost 5 years. Now I decided to upgrade to 2023 version. So, I downloaded the demo version from the website and start trying it.<br> <br> Now I cannot see the LITPACK(.lit) icon in the LITPACK package. I only have LITPACK toolbox (.lpkt) and Littoral Processes (.lpfm).<br> <br> So, did DHI discontinued the one-line module of LITPACK? Why?<br> <br> or it is available as standalone setup?<br> <br> If the one-line module has been discontinued, so where we can find applications like LITPROF and LITTREN?<br> <br> Also, if this the case, should e keep using the one-line module on older version&#160;or it becomes obsolete?<br> <br> Kind Regards&#160;&#160; &#160;