Re: River as a boundary - Having troubles with the transfer rate
Analysing my "problem" I found a value that's compatible with my river bed. Now I'll try to simulate.
Re: River as a boundary - Having troubles with the transfer rate
Björn Kaiser thank you.
I read something similar to this in the feflow user manual. Do you know the magnitude of the in/out transfer rate for rivers? I know this rate depends on the geological factors and others but I wanted to see an example.
Thanks !! -
River as a boundary - Having troubles with the transfer rate
Hi feflowers,
I'm an Masters student and my research uses the Feflow as the main software.
I have on my model a river as a boundary so I'm using the 3 rd type boundary condition (cauchy type - fluid transfer BC) but I don't know how to define the transfer rate. It's on the in/out flow rate? If yes, how can I define the magnitude of the in/out flow rate?
I only know the conductance value on Modflow but I'm having troubles on Feflow.
Thanks a lot !!!