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  • Re: Creating new block/model

    Thanks for the reply, Enrico! Things are more clear now.

    It would also be great if you could also explain how I can associate the new block to the new model.

    I have now the folder ActiveX with ABC submodel, which is defined as:

    CLASS ABC (* icon = "ABC" *) extends WWTPAtomicModelWithoutVolume with ...

    And I set the IconName for the new block to "activex" in block editor, however I am not able to select the submodel ABC in the WEST simulation model, it is set to REAL by default, and the block details are blank.

    Thanks again for the help!

  • Creating new block/model


    I have encountered some problems in defining a new block/unit in WEST.
    I would like to create a unit process that appears only if e.g. ASM1_AN model is chosen, similar to activated_sludge_unit but with different design. 

    To start with, I have created a new unit through Block editor and added it to the palette library (the IconName is set to activated_sludge_unit until I define a new model).

    To create the new model:

    1.  I have just first copy/pasted the activated_sludge_unit model folder and definition file and renamed them (forlder: ActiveX, msl file: wwtp.base.ABC.msl).
    2.  Added the line "#include wwtp.base.ABC.msl" in the wwtp.msl file

    However as soon as I refresh the treeview, I get the error "cannot find file: wwtp.base.ABC.msl).

    Could you please help find out if I am missing a step here?
  • Re: Generating Matrix from modified code (WEST 2014)

    I dont have any problem with creating the instance for my new ASM model.

    I have modified the MSL code of my new ASM model directly from the msl files and not through the Gujer Matrix. My main problem is to see the changes in the Gujer Matrix. The Gujer Matrix still shows the previously copied ASM model.

    The new ASM model can be used in a WEST project with no problem. Just that it cannot be observed through the Gujer Matrix if it is not made through the Gujer MAtrix.

    Maybe this is a limitation of the software and can be fixed in the next release?

  • Re: Generating Matrix from modified code (WEST 2014)


    I have actually changed the MSL code directly, not through the Gujer Matrix. It was easier for me to just copy past from the MSL code of other ASM models to the MSL code of my new model than into its Gujer Matrix.

    My new ASM model has already an istance from the time I copied it from an existing ASM through the Gujer matrix (Step 2).

    Am I missing a step hear or is it because I changed the MSL code instead of the Gujer Matrix?

  • Generating Matrix from modified code (WEST 2014)


    I have created an ASM model by modifying an already exsiting code. However, I am not able to view the code modifications in the Gujer matrix. Only a few of the new kinetiks are there and none of the related stoichiometry is shown in the matrix.

    I have done these steps and I hope you can help me find out where the problem is:

    1. Loaded the Gujer Matrix of an ASM model from Model Editor
    2. Copied it as a new ASM mode (ASM_X)
    3. Modified the code (parameters, kinetics, stoichiometry, ...)
    4. Checked block library was successful
    5. loaded the new model again through the Gujer Matrix

    Thanks in advance!