Hello Dannisa,
the problem maybe in time step setting in output specification, try equated "first and last " for all source,
Dear All,
Im beginner in particle tracking modul,
How to determine the number of particle in a location?
Dear Michael,
Thank you so much for the explanation. I use m21fm-pt. That's right, the problem occured right after when the particle first appeared.
I also would like to ask, is it possible to display the particle after the simulation is just started?
Thank you again for your assistance.
Dear All,
I have a problem with the result of particle tracking simulation, the location of source in simulation is different from the cordinate that i input into its model,
Any suggestion?
Dear Murali
Thanks very much for the epxlanation :)
Dear all:
I'm mike 21 new user,
what Difference MIKE21 Flow Model FM and MIKE21 Flow Model? and which is the best?
Hi All...
I use a Tide prediction of heigths based on global tide model data, just the results are abnormal completion
Thanks for the help