I was wondering if there was a possibility to load input files and call WEST from an external software (R or Matlab) ? The objective would be to perform a scenario analysis on different input (rain series in this case)?
If so, is there any example available using R or Matlab?
Thank you!
Thanks Enrico!
That was indeed the problem. Sorry I couldn't find this silly mistake by myself...
Thank you for your time!
Hi Enrico,
I just checked the namespace at both places which were correctly filled...
I am sending you the model base through mike support.
Thank you!
Hi Enrico!
Thank you for your answer!
Actually, I did exactly what you recommend (including one class at the time), and the error appeared when the class "psvdmBaseUnit_SewerVolumeConversionModel” is added. As you can see on the attached file called "class_pb.jpg" from the first post, this class only extends another one (for which the check instance does not reveal any problem) with
#include "PSVDM/PSVDM.VolumePSVDMConversionModel.body.msl", the latter file being automatically generated by the Model Editor.
That's why I don't know where to look for any quantity which could have been duplicated (I checked that all class names are unique)...
Yes, what we called PSVDM is a secondary CategoryRef in the scope of an existing instance (see attached picture). It has been created on the same structure as the Kosim1 category. It has additional particulate components (TSS0, TSS1... TSS10) each associated with its settling velocity.
I duplicated the "sewer.base.msl" file because we wanted to use some of the default sewer tank model and include in them the new TSS components...
Is there a more appropriate way to do this?
We are trying to extend the existing sewer models to be compatible with a new catagory (called PSVDM).
We basically copied the file “sewer.base.msl” into a "psvdm.sewer.base.msl" file and we changed adequately all the class names (adding the prefix psvdm) and parameters.
Even though we follow exactly the same structure, we encounter a problem with the CLASS “BaseUnit_SewerVolumeConversionModel” (see attachments)
At that point, the "check instance" gives the error attached.
We verified that there was no duplicate names in our manually added files and the file "PSVDM/PSVDM.VolumePSVDMConversionModel.body.msl" has been automatically generated when creating the new category.
Is there any other check we can perform?
Thank you for your help.