I found the answer
Yes it's compatible
Hi everyone
I'm going to change my PC, and I've a simple question:
Is Feflow 6.1 compatible with Windows 8?
I forgot to ask you, is there a maximum rate for a well?
Thanks Peter,
What about the "Ideal element size". How can i know what is the better size for my model?
I'm using FEFLOW 6.1
I have a simple question. Can I put an Observation point in the same node of a pumping well?
Because I saw that if i put an Observation point in the same node of the pumping well the resul is very bad but if i put the Observation point near the pumping well (for near I mean few nodes away, about 3) the result is very good, like a real acquifer test.
i'm working on a carbonate aquifer and i've the problem with the modeling of the slice because i don't know how i can do to intersect several slice. For example contact between carbonate and marl.
I've done, it's easy, i created point feature (*shp) with Arcgis and then i've uploaded this file on Feflow
I've the same problem, i tried to convert the xls in file dat. without success.... i tried to use the shp file file but Feflow said me always Error.