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  • Re: Pumping well leads to a decreased water level in the whole model

    Hi Henilein,

    thank you for your answer. I have assigned a pumping rate to the well boundary condition and there is only one aquifer which has vertically homogeneous conductivities. So different conductivities can not be the reason for the water level changes far away from the well. I assigned a pumping rate of 492 m³/d on the well node of the lowest slice of the aquifer, to the well nodes on all the other slices of the aquifer I assigned a pumping rate of zero.

    Kind Regards, Maik
  • Pumping well leads to a decreased water level in the whole model

    Hi Feflow-Forum,

    I have calibrated a 3D-model. When I insert a pumping well (4th boundary condition) into that model there is not only a drawdown in the well, but also the waterlevel is decreased in the whole model in comparison to the calibrated model. I also tested this with a very simple model and there is the same problem.
    I found out that with higher vertical discretisation the decrease in the whole model gets smaller, but there is still a difference of about 5 cm to the water level of the original model.

    Does someone know why there is a decrease in the whole model?

    Has somebody an idea how to overcome this problem?

    Thank you very much