Problems With Batch Mode
Hello all,
Sometimes when I fire a series of fem files in batch mode, one or more of them behaves differently then if I had fired them through the GUI like normal. The difference is in the stability of the model. Where the run fired from the GUI will rapidly achieve stability and increase the time step appropriately, the run fired from the batch file will keep the time step very small indefinitely.
I have not until now realized that there is a default feflow directory structure so my batch files tend to look like
cd "C:\Program Files\WASY\FEFLOW 5.2\bin"
feflow -run -work D:\projects\Proj089\mod -dac D:\projects\Proj089\mod\dac\CCC050d-1.dac -steps D:\projects\proj089\mod\PS.pow D:\projects\Proj089\mod\fem\CCC050d-1.fem
Could this have anything to do with it? I am using feflow 5.209 under windows XP.
Thanks for your help,