• Re: time series BC

    I think you need to create "Time Series" data for each node
    Then have another shapefile/ excel table to include the times series id column.
    Then go add the shapefile/ excel table to your Maps panel.
    And then link to Parameters(s).... by right click your shapefile/ excel table
    In the "Parameter Association" window, you link you times series id column to your Hydraulic-head BC
    And in the "link type", you change that to "time constant data" to "time-varying (time seies id)" 

  • Re: Manipulate stored element/node selections

    Is this still the same case? I wonder whether the Python-ifm function can do this?
    Just I need to do a lot of post processing to export hydraulic heads for selected node selections in different time steps.
    If still the same case, hope DHI can put this on the wish-list. 
  • Modelling Artesian Wells in Feflow

    I am working a confined aquifer model with artesian wells.  I wonder what is the best type of boundary conditions to represent an artesian wells in Feflow. I have tried to use the type 1 - hydraulic head BC to have minimum flow constraints to bound the maximum flow from the artesian wells (plus maximum flow constraints = 0 not to inject water) and I have the BC = topographic elevations. However, it seems the BC level controls most of the model output and sometimes I got outflow higher than what I constraint the artesian wells.

    I have also tried to use the well BC, however, if I put the minimum head constraints above my aquifer layer (say top of layer 2, I got the minimum
    head constraint/ intake level as layer 1 top), then I have some wells injecting in the model.

    It would be great if anyone can share their modeling experience with artesian wells here. 

  • Particle Tracking for a continuous Source

    Hi all, I got several transient models (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, ... Year n) with a continuous source of chemicals.  I would like to do particle tracking for these transient models.  I wonder how I can do particle tracking for this continuous source in Feflow.  Do I have to query every year from the same source area, and keep tracking the end points of the previous year's pathlines?  Or I can just do the first year pathlines and then follow the particle end points in the next years.

  • Changing layer elevations in various timesteps

    Hi everyone, 

    I am also new to Feflow (I got more 2D modelling background). I wonder whether Feflow can handle transient model with varying layer elevations like mining pit with progress of bench levels or landfill with filling schedule.  Or does it have any parent analysis function that I can build a parent model to get water levels for initial case and then I change the layer thickness of the top layer and permeability for the daughter model?
