• MIKE SHE error for paved surface flow

    HI MIKE SHE Community,

    I've trying to use the MIKE SHE paved area feature to simulate paving over part of a simulation. There's an option to use a .dsf2 file with all the runoff coefficients to do this. I created the file and the program has ok'd it, but the PP is saying that there is a program error: Datagrid Type=2 can only handle square grid. Is there some sort of limit on the shape of the grid I can use for this module (hope not)? Tried looking in both the user manuals, but there's nothing about uniform vs distributed grids for runoff coefficients. Has anyone run into the same issues? How can I fix it?
  • Coupling MIKE SHE output to MATLAB

    I am trying to couple the outputs of my MIKE SHE model with GA code written in MATLAB so as to calibrate the MIKE SHE model (very similar to what this MATLAB user appears to be doing: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/28381). Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to do this?
  • MIKE SHE error in GW elevation

    I am trying to run a simulation of a green roof using the UZ, SZ and overland flow modules and the saturated zone drainage option for routing water from the model (to simulate the effect of the roof drains). The preprocessing succeeds, but whenever I try to run the WM analysis, it shuts down after about 30% simulation after giving the following error:

    "Error: groundwater below bottom of UZ column at point
    depth to groundwater: 0.29 (level=-0.29)
    max depth of column: 0.28 (soil profile 1) "

    What could be causing this problem? I have tried altering the hydraulic conductivity and column heights of the soil profile in the UZ but am still getting either errors or results which are clearly inaccurate.
