best way to put buildings in the inland flooding module
I am carrying a flooding study with a 100-year rain over an urban area with the Mike 21 Inland Flooding module. I am wondering which is the best/smoothest way to put the buildings in the grid data in order to have the more accurate results as possible. I tried it modifying my DEM model previously in ArcGIS giving the buildings a value of 5 meters over the DEM, but the results of the simulations of Mike 21 show a lot of “Undefined values” around the borders of the buildings. Should I define the borders of the buildings as a dike?
The data and settings that I’m using are:
-Grid DEM of 1m. Created from the projected elevation points for a future urban area.
- Flooding and drying of 0.003 and 0.002 respectively.
-Manning number equal to 15.
-100 year rain during 6 hours, with a time step of 0.125s (when increasing the time step I get errors for too high water levels)
Best regards,