• Waste Water Cailbration - Best Practice MOdel B and RDI

    I am currently working in a waste water calibration and found difficult to get a good balance between small , medium and large events - despite trying various combinations of B+RDII parameters, we have been unable to match peaks/volumes across the full simulation period (largest storm is a 2month ARI event). I have used as a guide line MOUSE RDII Rainfall – Dependent Inflow and Infiltration General Description notes Dr Robert Carr, DHI water and Environment 2009.

    I would like to get your help for best practices in order to overcome  above situation.


    Oscar Solarte

    Estoy trabajando con una calibracion de un modelo de aguas servidas y encontrado dificil balancear la calibracion entre pequenos, medianos y grandes eventos de lluvia, a pesar nosotros hemos usado diferentes combinacion del Modelo B + RDII. Hasta ahora no hemos podido lograr coordinar picos y volumenes en los graficas hidrologicas. He usado la siguente guia MOUSE RDII Rainfall – Dependent Inflow and Infiltration General Description notes Dr Robert Carr, DHI water and Environment 2009.

    Me gustaria que alguien me aconsejara cual son las mejores practicas para dar solucion a la situacion expuesta arriba.


    Oscar Solarte