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  • MIKE 3 HDFM flow on sigma cordinate...


    I have a very good MIKE3 HDFM out put with current speed and current direction with sigma coordinate. I want to find out a 3D flow with current direction of the domain area. In output section of model I just find only current direction of a cross section. But I want to find out current direction with SIGMA level such as vector indication of current direction both surface and bottom as 3 dimensional.  Some please help me to get this.

    Thanks to give a time,
    Rupak Loodh
    Dhaka University,
  • Tide time series structure

    I have faced a problem with tidal observe data and the time series predicted data. If I made a time series from my observe data then there is no negative sign but, If I made prediction from tide time series then there found both positive and negative value.  Here I would like to attach screen shorts of both two time series.

    I think, the problem is my observed data is excluded the mean sea level value. My query, is it necessary to add mean sea level data with my observed data or is there any other process to made tide time series.
    If it is possible to make a proper suggestion, then it will be very helpful for me.

    Rupak Loodh.
  • Size of the Domain

    I have a little confusion on area of the model Domain. I don't know what is the maximum area of domain. That means, what should be maximum width and height of the domain area. Anyone please inform me about the maximum domain area size.
  • Re: "Import data from background" problem

    Hello Stephan,
    Thank you very much for your valuable information. Now I can identify the difference between the import data and the non import data. Thanks again for your support...
    Rupak Loodh
    Dhaka University,
  • Re: "Import data from background" problem

    Hi Ricardo Machado,
    This is a screenshot including where I facing the problem. I am facing a problem to use the img tag here. So I am giving my dropbox link of image.

    In there, I need to Import data from background. But when I try this it does not work or does not select any data from the background. That's why I can't import any data from the background.  Would you kindly inform me what is the exact reason for this.
  • "Import data from background" problem

    For the bathymetry interpolation, I need to Import data from background. But when I try this it does not work or does not select any data from the background. That's why I can't import any data from the background.

    I don't know what is the exact reason for this.

    Please anyone help me to fix the problem.
  • Using MIKE 3 for modelling....

    The modules I purchased was: PP, MIKE 21 SW, MIKE 3 FMHD, FMAD and ABMLab_Ecolab. Is it possible that, can I made salinity intrusion and oil spill modelling in coastal area with my purchased module and how.

    Please anyone help me.
  • Re: What is the difference between MIKE 3 Flow model and the MIKE 3 Flow Model FM?

    Hi Ricardo Machado,
    Thank you very much for your nice explanation.
    Rupak Loodh
  • What is the difference between MIKE 3 Flow model and the MIKE 3 Flow Model FM?

    I want to know the basic difference and and what is the difference between the mesh and the flexible mesh. 
  • License Problem.... Show Abnormal Completion

    I am using the corporate License of MIKE Zero, Mike 21 and Mike Eco. But, when I practice with demo data with Manual "MIKE21_HD_Step_By_Step.pdf" exercise data with full dongle connect then in the final simulation run there show "Number of point exceed for demo version" & also "Abnormal Completion".

    I don't no what is the prerequisite for simulation. Would you kindly inform me what is needed for a final simulation.

    Thank you,
    Rupak Loodh
    Dhaka University.