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  • Re: Inlet wastewater fractionation and "inlet file design"

    Thank you Enrico both for useful instructions and corrections, I am going on and I am sure I will have more questions.

  • Inlet wastewater fractionation and "inlet file design"

    I would like to raise a topic about inlet wastewater fractionation:

    It is known that methodology for setting inlet wastewater quality and for fractionation depends on the ASM model used and selected previously, the model chosen defines its components required (e.g. in ASM1 there are 4 COD fractions: Ss, Si, Xs, Xi, etc.). If I have an inlet file (e.g. txt), containing different analytical data (e.g. COD, TKN, TP, etc.), I can open this file during the inlet setting, fix the parameters measured (COD, TKN, TP) and choose the appropriate model (e.g. ASM2d) and the simulator generates the fractionated inlet quality automatically (fractionation which refers to the model chosen).
    For me it seems to be a "rough black-box" method, I am a skeptic engineer, sorry about it.
    As I suggest, it might be just a rough estimation (based on I do not know what - lot of experiences?, literary ratios for municipal wastewater ww quality?) because carrying out an adequate fractionation from this "narrow spectrum" of measured parameters (i.e. COD, TKN, TP), that is quite a big challenge...


    1. If I have only some measured parameters (COD, TKN, TP), the automatic fractionation may be inaccurate, my calculations may be based on data charged by huge uncertainty, so the results of the simulations may fail. Is that a right suggestion?

    2. If I am a "biochemical laboratory guy" and have a broader spectrum of measured parameters (e.g. tot COD, diss COD filtered through 1.2 micron filter, filtered-flocculated COD through 0.45 micron, effluent diss COD, BOD5, TSS, VSS, TKN, NH4N, TP, PO4P, acetate, etc.), wide enough for an accurate fractionation, how can I deal with these data? How can I import them appropriately into the WEST fractionation panel?

    3. Another basic technical question related to the previous: how can I / should I design the inlet file in order to be able to import the data in WEST? (is there any guideline for it? - which format (xls or txt), order of colomns, parameteres?)

    4. How can I discover what the "black-box" of WEST does with the parameters in the fractionaton step? (were are the background formules, methods?)

    These questions may sound banal, I am beginner in using the simulator.

    Thanks in advance!