RE: wells disappearing or without any flow in rate budget
I checked again and the reason is that the nodes are unsaturated, even in some areas in deeper slices. That's why the wells located on those nodes are not pumping.
Is there a way to show the unsaturated (dry) mesh ? -
wells disappearing or without any flow in rate budget
I have an issue with wells BC (or Multiwayer Well BC as I also tried). I have 500 wells imported from a shapefile and assigned to 6 different slices. Every wells appear on screen as their flow rate. If I export wells data from feflow to an excel file, every wells are indicated to the right node with the right abstraction flow.
However, when simulating many wells disappear from the rate budget (i.e the calculated flow rate is less than the sum of wells rates). I dont know which well and why. I suspected that the hydraulic head could be lower than the bottom elevation in some superficial areas but for the deep slices that is not possible (always saturated) and even in the deep slice the calculated flow rate is less than the sum of wells rates.
I tried to use Multilayer Well BC to show the "flow per layer" attribute after a run. Some wells show a flow of 0 m3/d without any reason as the hydraulic head is over the bottom elevation, and that doesn't concern all wells which are removed from the rate budget.
Any hint of the reason of this issue ?