• Re: Error Message when running HYDRO


    Have you tried running this simulation using the lastest 2017 version?

    The error report for the current problem may have been improved.

  • Re: How to download mike NAM model

    Yes, you can use the NAM rainfall-runoff model from MIKE HYDRO.

    Best regards,
  • Re: Viewing Cross-Sections in MIKE view


    This is actually the only way. But if you're looking for a quick overview, maybe the longitudinal profile would be more suited. Per default it will show you the banks' elevations (at markers 1 and 3), the dynamic water level, and the bottom level. If needed, you can also go to the Options menu of this longitudinal profile to add extra items to be shown.

    Best regards,
  • Re: How to automate data exporting Mike Zero


    You can automate this conversion using the MIKE Zero Toolbox \ Time series \ Time series batch conversion.

    If necessary, the toolbox file can also be saved and executed through a command line. To do that, you can refer to the MIKE Zero user manual. Let us know if it needs additinal descriptions.

    Best regards,
  • Re: How to add two DFS2 files based on timestep?


    there is no automatic way to do that, but you can do it manually.
    You have to create a new file from scratch (New file \ Grid series, and select 'Blan Grid'), where you can apply the desired date and times, and with the same spatial dimension as the existing file.

    Once this file is created, yuo can load the data from the other original files, from Tools \ Copy file into data.

    That should allow you to merge the files.

    Best regards,
  • Re: How to add GIS shapefile on Mike zero Mesh???


    To create your mesh, you have to use the tool Mesh Generator. This tool doesn't support shape files directly. However there is a new toolbox which you can use to convert the shape files to text files, that can then be used in the Mesh Generator.

    This is described here, with a path to detailed document.

    Best regards,
  • Re: unable to read Dongle content

    Hi Lawrence,

    This usually pops up when the dongle isn't plugged.
    So if you have it plugged and if the problem persists, try to plug it on another port.

    If the problem remains, you can try re-installing the dongle's driver.
    It is available in the folder Prerequisites \ Sentinel System Driver, on the installation DVD.

    Best regards,