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  • Re: Inserting Culvert in MIKE 21 FM HD

    Adding to my previous post:

    I ran the model with the specified culvert configuration, the current speed is reduced drastically around 70% reduction. Is this realisitic?
  • Inserting Culvert in MIKE 21 FM HD

    Hello Everyone,

    Can someone help me. I am trying to insert two rectangular culverts each of dimension (3m X 3m) in HD model. The bathymetry at the culvert location is -3.4m MSL and the culverts are placed at an invert level of -3.4m.
    I have inserted the culverts as per description in manual (i.e. perpendicular to flow direction). I have attached the snapshot of culvert location and its specification. Can someone take a look and help me with this?

    Thanks & Regards,