Re: changes in initial conditions
Thank you peter -
Re: can't open dac file
it was a problem with FEFLOW 6. it coudn't open a dac file more than 2gig. i downloaded patch 2 and installed so it working now
changes in initial conditions
Hi All,
if you run a fem file and save the output results to a dac file, does the initial conditions in the fem file changes after the simulation?
please respond if you know
can't open dac file
i'm trying to open a dac file but i get this message anytime i try "Control data of fem input are not available"
please what does it mean and how can i rectify it
Re: Edit multi-layer well
I have found it
Thanks -
Edit multi-layer well
I am a new user of feflow
could you please show me how to edit multi-layer wells espercially with different pumping rates
i have seen the debug option but I don't understand how to do it