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  • FEFLOW EDU time series error

    Version of FEFLOW: FEFLOW 7.0 (update 10) March  2017, version edu,
    In 3D flow model, assignment of  time series for Multilayers well in multilayers well editor work  OK.
    However when  we add  the heat transport problem and after that we want to add time series for multilayer well in multilayer well editor is impossible to right-click and switch to time series, the option for time series is not avaliable.
    Thank you for any suggestion
  • Problem with import refvalue and interval for observation points in FEFLOW 7

    Hi all.

    I have a problem with import "ref value" and "interval" for observation points in feflow 7. Any ideas how solve this problem? I checked that in older version of feflow 6.2 during conversion data into observation point everything is ok. In feflow 7 during conversion imported are only coordinates, names and id but ref value and interval is not?
  • flow rate and age for streamlines

    I delineate the areas contributing recharge to the wells using particles that were captured by the wells during forward tracking. Let assume that water from 1000 nodes is captured by the well. Is it any simple way to get from the model information how much is flow rate of water which recharge the well by every single streamline. Is it possible to export from FEFLOW files with ages of streamlines and flow rate of water recharging the well by every streamline? I would like to get this information to create diagram with simulated groundwater-age distribution.