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  • Re: Errors after trying to run a MOUSE simulation

    Yes, I've sorted the new error out :)
    The programme runs well with the warnings, many of them were based only on the timestep definition, so it was easy to solve.

    Thank you once more for your help!
  • Re: Errors after trying to run a MOUSE simulation


    First of all, thank you for your help Johan Rydin.

    1) I've tried to do the "[b]Project chek tool[/b]" move but the program doesn't find any data missing.

    2) Also, when I go to [b]MOUSE->Pipes[/b] and canals and try to locate those 2 links by name, they don't appear to have missing data on them.
    And this is a strange thing I guess... It is said that in one of the pipes the [b]Diameter[/b] is missing... But there is no field with that name in [b]Pipes and Canals[/b]! The only thing that it asks is the [b]Shape[/b] of the section (in my case is circular) and the [b]Size[/b] of it... For example, I put a print screen of the data to the [b]Pipe2[/b] just to make me more comprehensible.

    3) Before asking on this forum I deleted the troubled pipes and nodes and retypped them again in the program, but when I did the simulation the errors were the same (i.e. in the same node and pipes). So I tried the last thing that you pointed out (the "[b]Backup as Simple XML[/b]" through "[b]Import & Export[/b]" followed by importing that newly created XML-file as "[b]Restore from Simple XML[/b]") and apparently it worked... Now I run the simulation and it says me some warnings that I copy paste here:

    MOUSE HD Computation Engine x64 v2014 Release Version (
    Error 1136 : Boundary Connection: "Domestic Wastewater". The Geo-coded location could not be found. Change Geo-coding or switch "Apply" off for this Boundary Connection.

    Warning 719 : The fullrunning velocity 1.45 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe15'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 8.

    The fullrunning velocity 2.13 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe13'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 5.

    The fullrunning velocity 0.69 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe4'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 7.

    The fullrunning velocity 1.46 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe17'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 8.

    The fullrunning velocity 1.71 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe10.2'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 9.

    The fullrunning velocity 0.77 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe1'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 9.

    The fullrunning velocity 2.62 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe10'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 7.

    The fullrunning velocity 2.64 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link 'Pipe10.1'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 8.
    Warning 733 : The link 'Pipe4' is only 8.00 m long. This may give inaccurate results. The program assumes a length of 10.00 m for this link.

    Thank you again for your help!
  • Errors after trying to run a MOUSE simulation

    Hello everyone,

    I am a new user of MIKE URBAN and I´m using this program for simulating wastewater flow in a drainage system that i've introduced manually in the program.
    After designing the network, I defined the length, slope, diameter, material of all the pipes and also the diameter, ground level, bottom level and the max inflow of each manhole. Also, I've created a cyclic profile based on a diurnal pattern that models the variation in afluence of wastewater to the drainage system. Then, using network loads in boundary conditions I created a boundary ID and linked it to the existing cyclic profile.

    After this I run the MOUSE simulation (only the network one because for now I am not interested in runoff inflow to the network, only the domestic wastewater) but it notifies me of some errors that I cannot understand where I need to go to fix them. The errors are the following:

    "MOUSE HD Computation Engine x64 v2014 Release Version (
    Error 6 : 'Node' doesn't exists in section [MOUSE_LINKS] in 'LINK' 'Pipe3' parameter 'ToNode'.
    Error 488 : Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_LINKS] in 'LINK' 'Pipe2' parameter 'Diameter'.

    Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_LINKS] in 'LINK' 'Pipe3' parameter 'ToNode'.

    Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_LINKS] in 'LINK' 'Pipe3' parameter 'Diameter'.

    Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_NODES] in 'NODE' '3DP' parameter 'X'.

    Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_NODES] in 'NODE' '3DP' parameter 'TypeNo'.

    Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_NODES] in 'NODE' '3DP' parameter 'LossParNo'.

    Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_NODES] in 'NODE' '3DP' parameter 'Y'.

    Warning 490 : Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_LINKS] in 'Pipe3' parameter 'TypeNo'. Using Default value.

    Missing or invalid data in section [MOUSE_LINKS] in 'Pipe2' parameter 'TypeNo'. Using Default value.
    Warning 1239 : Link: 'Pipe3' - A length has not been specified and it will be calculated based on the from and to node.

    Link: 'Pipe2' - A length has not been specified and it will be calculated based on the from and to node."

    I have been watching tutorials on MOUSE of MIKE URBAN Collection Systems but I am stuck and can't figure out that is wrong. Can someone please help me?
    Thank you for your time on this matter.

    King regards