• Error Budget Multi-layer wells

    Hi all, I am using multi-layer wells BC with the same time series of pumping flows, I only change the number of layers where the BC is applied and I find significant differences in the water balance, which could be due to this, since the imposed flow is the same. Best regards. Franco
  • RE: Math expression in/outflow..

    Hi Carlos,

    Thanks for answering and your tip! It was very useful!


  • Math expression in/outflow..

    Hi everyone.

    I'm trying to simulate evapotranspiration and I have a doubt. I'm applying using a math expression in in/outflow on top/bottom and it works, but I don't know why is evaporating from the whole model and not only my defined area to the in/outflow...

    Any idea how it works? or how a I could deal with this problem?

