• Re: Drawdown in Multilayer well

    Sorry for taking so long to get back. Yes I made sure the Theis assumptions were met. But I think I have a partial answer from Peter Schätzl below:
    "When cell sizes are below the ideal radius, the drawdown shown in the model well will be larger than realistic (pumping well). If cellsizes are larger than the ideal radius, calculated heads will be higher than realistic."  Now my question is is there and example using the [b]Ideal radius[/b]. This is what I tried to do but still seem to get an understimated drawdown.

  • FEFLOW 6.1 and 6.2 in Linux "Cannot load library icui18n" error

    I installed FEFLOW 6.1 in linux and it runs great, but when I try to run FEPEST I get the following error:
    Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (icui18n: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
    Even though the locate command returns:
    So clearly the the requiered library is installed. I also did set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as suggested elsewhere on this forum.
    I get this same error when I try to run FEFLOW 6.2 even without Pest.

  • Re: Drawdown in Multilayer well

    Hi Goktug,
    Thanks for your suggestion. I'm looking into that. But as I mentioned I created a simple theoretical model using the multilayer well and compared it to the Theis solution, so no well loss in this case.
  • Re: Drawdown in Multilayer well

    Thanks for your quick reply,
    I'm not questioning the accuracy or correctness of FEFLOW. I'm rather checking if I missed something. I know the mesh around the well is a factor. From a previous response on this Forum too fine or too coarse gives different drawdown results at the well. But using the "ideal element size" should yield realistic results. This is what I was trying to establish. Does the benchmark you reference address the ideal element size in a multilayer well? Or is it the axisymmetric example from the white papers? Also does the book come with a FEFLOW license or does it need to be purchased separately?

  • Drawdown in Multilayer well

    I'm calibrating to few pumping tests using a multilayer well and realized that the drawdown in the pumping well seems always under-estimated.
    So I created a simple one layer model with a well in the middle. I made sure my elements fit the "ideal element size" by moving the nodes and discretizing as needed. I compared the results to the theis solution and FEFLOW is under-estimating the drawdown in the pumping well by as much as 20 m!
    Am I missing something?

  • Re: FEFLOW crashes in linux

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... only worked once. I had to run it everytime for FEFLOW to work. A permanent solution is to add /opt/wasy/lib64 to the file /etc/ld.so.conf and then run ldconfig. After that the change is permanent and works for all users. You have to be root to make these changes.

  • Re: FEFLOW crashes in linux

    Thanks a bunch. That took care of it. It is working now.
  • FEFLOW crashes in linux


    I installed FEFLOW 6.1 on linux Slackware 14.0. It instaled fine but each time I try to open a *.fem file I get the following error message:

    /opt/wasy/bin/feflow6110q: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libfeflow61.so.6.1: undefined symbol: __kmpc_atomic_fixed8_orb

    Thanks for your help.