Dear Carlos and everyone, I haven't found a solution yet. The clay deposits I
would like to incorporate into the model are contained in a MOVE project
(Petroleum expert software), and from this project, I can download ASCII files
which are .dat files (point files with X, Y, and Z coordinates). After
downloading them, I open them in ArcGIS and create shapefiles, which I then
import into Feflow. At that point, I perform remeshing of the selection of the
elements of interest, but the result is that I have tetrahedra scattered between
the two slices and not confined between the top and bottom surfaces of the clay
bodies so that it's impossible to select only the tetrahedra I need. Here is a
screenshot of the situation: the yellow dots represent the base and roof
surfaces of the clay deposits.
Is the procedure correct, or am I doing something wrong? And how can I quickly
select only the tetrahedra I need?
Thank you in advance for your kind response